10 Best Games of 2015
It’s that time of year again. The time when we here at GAMbIT look back on all the games we have covered/played to provide you a list of the best….
It’s that time of year again. The time when we here at GAMbIT look back on all the games we have covered/played to provide you a list of the best….
Does Tarantino expose the vile undercurrent of racism in America—or does he exploit it? The Hateful Eight, touted in stereotypically pompous fashion even in the opening credits as “the 8th….
I give Final Fantasy a lot of grief, all completely warranted for a hallway simulator, but that’s not to say that there aren’t iterations of the series that I do….
CES 2016 is only a few days away, and as the team at GAMbIT preps to fly into Vegas from all over the country, we take a look at what….
Dragon Ball Z is a staple of any youth that grew up during the late 90’s. As these people (myself included) are now going into our 30’s, those things that….
Yesterday we featured the top 10 Mods of 2015, and today we bring you the top 10 Indie Games of 2015 as selected by the people at IndieDB. 2015 was a….
Final Fantasy XIII is a pretty terrible game, but a fantastic hallway simulator. It only makes sense that fans latch onto anything they can to get over how dull the….
Daredevil is one fantastic show, and we here are incredibly excited about season two on Netflix, even if a release date has yet to be announced (sometime 2016). In the meantime, Entertainment….
As 2015 reaches its end, the fine folks over at Mod DB have tallied the 120,640 votes and it is time to crown their 2015 Mod of the Year. Modding is all about morphing….
Via The X-Files YouTube page: The truth is out there… and we’ve got the inside story on the thrilling return of The X-Files. Go behind the scenes with Chris Carter,….
We’ve all heard various Christmas horror stories of presents going awry, but thankfully most of us have, at worst, snagged a cheap knockoff ChintendoWuu from the grandparents, or maybe last….
Marvel continues to move forward with a number of new film projects based on their deep trove of costumed heroes. But while I sit and wait on that Great Lakes Avengers….