Pokemon Sun and Moon are coming

Pokemon Sun and Moon

The big Pokémon themed Nintendo direct isn’t happening until tomorrow, but that doesn’t stop news from getting out a little early. It has been revealed that he house that Mario built has registered trademarks for two titles: Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.

No word on what sort of Pokémon games Sun and Moon will be, but speculation is that they will be new entries into the long-running series. Still, it’s also possible that they will be remakes/updates to some older Pokémon version, or even something a little different.

The trademark is your standard stuff, but where things getting interesting is that mobile devices are covered within in. This could be nothing more than Nintendo covering their bases, but with DeNa and the upcoming Nintendo releases to mobiles, there might be something there. Perhaps some sort of companion app?

The Nintendo Direct kicks off tomorrow at 7am PST.

pokemon_sun_tm-600x454 Pokemon Sun and Moon

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