Far Cry Primal “Legend of the Mammoth” pre-order lets you become a Mammoth

Far Cry Primal

Chugga chugga choo choo! The idiotic pre-order train is once again pulling into the station to offer people stuff that should already be in the game! This time Far Cry Primal is getting the “Legend of the Mammoth” pre-order bonus that includes a couple of special missions. These missions revolve around you getting wicked drunk off of some ancient goofy juice and channeling the spirit of the Mammoth. This in turn lets you run around as a giant Mammoth causing all sorts of problems for monkeys and lions and junk.

The three included missions include: Duel of Beasts, Hunt the Hunters, and The Trapped Elder. You can probably tell exactly what will go down in each as the game decided to skip over any fancy naming conventions, because fuck you, you already pre-ordered the thing. The missions should run you about 45 minutes in terms of gameplay, so if you already are planning on getting the game it wouldn’t hurt to snag a pre-order. Still, the trailer makes the whole thing look really silly, and the controls look really clunky.

Far Cry Primal drops March 1.

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