The final Batman v Superman trailer drops

Batman v Superman trailer

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been wrapped for what feels like years, but we now finally have the final trailer before the movie hits the screen.

The trailer is all Batman because we all knew this was going to be a Batman film anyways. Also, Bats sure does seem to murder a lot of people, and he and Alfred look the same age. I don’t even know anymore.

I’ll grant that the Zack Snyder ‘blue’ filer was far less apparent here, but I’m still not sold on the movie. It just reeks of trying to hard to be cool, but what the hell do I know. Zack Synder has a lot of fantastic work under his belt…

Check out the trailer for yourself below.

They also filmed some select scenes for IMAX, which means a new poster:

Batman v Superman IMAX

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