13 Things Only 90s Kids Will Know About Gaming

90s gaming

Kids today have things pretty great when it comes to playing video games. From gaming PC’s to consoles with mind-blowing graphics, it’s an amazing time to be a gamer. But not all that long ago playing video games came with a host of problems and issues. Take a look at our list of the 13 Things Only 90s Kids Will Know About Gaming and let us know how many you remember.

Scheduling a time to call each other for dial-up 1v1 multiplayer games

Having a fancy new console, but still screwing in your video input into your old TV

Convincing your parents you needed a fancy new CD-ROM drive so you can play The 7th Guest

You’re not a true PC nerd unless you’ve played #7thGuest lol… Can’t wait till it comes in the mail. Best #99cents I’ve ever spent <img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”><img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”>

A photo posted by <img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”>Tiffany<img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”> (@freshly_baked) on

Instruction manuals

PC Speaker sounds

When Sega and Nintendo were bitter rivals and you had to pick sides on the playground

When SEGA still made consoles

Needing/borrowing your parents Blockbuster card to rent a game for the weekend

Organizing and found this relic. #blockbuster #blastfromthepast   A photo posted by Beverly Kopaz (@kopazbs) on

Finding out that game you just rented sucked major balls  because there was no internet to tell you otherwise

Found an awesome glitch in level 3. #ChesterCheetah #SegaGenesis   A video posted by Brett (@horatiofresh) on

Various 1-900 video game tips and tricks lines

Reading the various gaming magazines in the supermarket while your parents shopped

Waiting in line for your chance to play Street Fighter 2 in the arcades

I’m the strongest woman in the world. #streetfighter2
A photo posted by Audrey (@audomatic) on

Moving the console closer so the wires on the controllers reach

Teaching my boys about #thestruggle. <img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”><img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”><img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”> #sega #wiredcontrollers #nowaytosave A photo posted by Lacie<img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”>Laughs<img decoding=” draggable=”false” class=”emoji”>A Lot (@ldawggarcia) on

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