10 Wrestlers Better Than Brock Lessnar

WWE’s Survivor Series has come and gone and boy was it, well, something. We all got to see the last monster heel WWE has fall in seconds for no reason whatsoever. Good old Brock Lobster was a monster in WWE, and while he may have been only a part-time worker, his presence was always felt throughout both Raw and Smackdown brands.

With a loss to a very 50-year old Goldberg, WWE has made it clear that Lesnar is no longer a threat and that Goldberg can retire a far richer man than he already is. We also learned that Goldberg’s kid hates shirts, just like his daddy.

Now that Brock Less-than-able-to-beat-Goldberg has lost his monster luster, we can look back at a few wrestlers that are far better than the big man.  But just how did we work this list out, you ask accusingly through your monitors. Well, Since the match was so stupidly short and lacking any offense, we looked at the matches in which Goldberg competed in and his opponents lasted longer than Brock Lesnar did against him.

10.) Disco Inferno

Disco Inferno // WCW
Disco Inferno // WCW

Oh, dear god. If you don’t know the former WCW wrestler know as Disco Inferno, consider yourself lucky (although I admit I was a fan in my youth). A gimmick wrestler, with a terrible gimmick, Disco Inferno made no sense during the days of the NWO at WCW (and even less when he joined the Red & Black). He was a former disco dancer, or something like that, and danced his way to the ring where he would promptly lose.

While not technically a jobber (he held the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, was one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions with Alex Wright and was a two time WCW World Television Championship) odds are if he was in the ring it was to take a loss to get someone over. Enter Bill Goldberg

Sure, Goldberg beat the snot out of Disco Inferno, but that’s not the point. The point lies in the fact that Mr. Inferno lasted a few minutes in the ring and even managed to get some offense in on Goldberg, something that Lesnar could not and making Disco Inferno a better wrestler than Brock Lesnar.

9.) The Giant/ The Big Show

The Giant // WCW
The Giant // WCW

The NWO was always the thorn in Goldberg’s side (and anyone looking for a break) in WCW. Giant managed to put up probably one of the best fights against Goldberg because of his size and legitimate power. At the time Big Giant was some sort of champion (I want to us TV Title?), so this was a sort of  title versus title match on regular television because WCW knew how to make money (sarcasm heavily implied).

Goldberg was a man that would beat you in less time in the ring than it took him to get to the ring. This night was a little different though and The Giant put up a fight that was quite respectable. Oh, and this was a no disqualification match at that!

Yes, even the might Giant fell at the hands of Goldberg, but only after a little help from DDP, after a little help from Stevie Ray (it would be weird for a WCW show to not end with shenanigans at this time). Still, old Billy G man did manage to pick up The Giant for a big slam. an impressive feat at the time. That said, The Giant lasted far longer than Brock Lesnar did.

8.) Raven

Raven // WCW
Raven // WCW

Raven was an interesting character that I couldn’t really stand when I was a wee boy. He seemed to be trying far too hard even while I was also trying too, but as I look back I can see why people liked him. In this altercation with Bob Billberg he managed a few offensive pops, even managing to take Goldberg outside the ring, even if Raven was the one that ended up through a table.

After pulling the ref into the line of Goldberg’s spear and having friends come help, Raven looked like he might be the one that could fell the beast, but DDP once again jumps in to even the odds and allow Goldberg to get the win.

Raven may have lost, but at least he managed to pull of his finishers Goldberg, something Brock Lesnar could not manage. This makes Raven a better wrestler than Lesnar.

7.) Stevie Ray

Stevie Ray // WCW
Stevie Ray // WCW

Poor, poor Stevie Ray. You were great as one half of Harlem Heat, but never quite found the same success as a solo act like your brother Booker T did. Still, his place is important in the Goldberg machine at WCW as he managed to hold his own against the man.

Right as the match starts Stevie Ray takes a few big shots before reversing a slam into a back body drop. This is important, not only because he got a move off, but because it was probably the first time on television that Goldberg was taken off his feet. Oh, and the match lasts far longer than the Brock vs Lesanr one from Survivor Series did — by a lot.

Stevie Ray got his own Hogan build and even put down Goldberg multiple times during the match! Lessnar couldn’t even get a single move off. The great thing about classic Goldberg is that he was a monster, but that he also had to work a bit to get the pin. All in all, Stevie Ray is a better wrestler than Brock Lesnar.

6.) Hugh Morrus/ Bill DeMott

Hugh Morrus // WCW
Hugh Morrus // WCW

Eternal asshat and general not nice man Bill DeMott was the first person to face Goldberg at WCW. The fight was a lengthy one (far longer than Brock’s) and even Hugh Mungus, sorry, Hugh Morrus was able to land his moonsault finisher “No Laughing Matter”. I think he may have be some sort of magician clown or something.

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Goldberg was still able take control of the match, but it’s impressive to see the big man struggle with someone and not have the crowd completely behind him cheering him on.

Mr. Jelly doughnut himself, Bill DeMott wasn’t able to win the day here, but he still far outlasted a weak Brock Lesnar from Survivor Series. Oh, and he would later go on to torture a young Zack Ryder, so there’s that.

5.) Barbarian

Barbarian // WCW
Barbarian // WCW

The Barbarian was a WCW staple for a while, so when he faced Goldberg he put up quite the good show. The crowd wasn’t yet with the man, but as this was only his second match it made sense –we were a fickle lot back then. Still, Goldberg did show off a moveset that he would later trim when he turned into a monster.

The Barbarian laid some serious hands on Goldberg, caught him in a mid-air reversal, and even landed a powerslam on the future hall of famer. The Barbarian didn’t last as long as Mr. Mungus as a lot of time was spent trying to find out who Golderberg was after the match.

The Barbarian may have lost, but at least he can rest knowing that he is a better wrestler than Brockster.

4.) Bam Bam Bigelow


Old fire head is a legend that I feel never got his just rewards here in the states. Bam Bam could move and fly better than most men half his size. By the time he hit WCW he was petering out, but he was still fun to watch. So when he called out Goldberg for an impromptu match is was an exciting thing indeed, even if I did miss the show because it was 9/9/99 and I was all over the Sega Dreamcast.

The match itself started out Goldberg, but Bam Bam managed to get a few good moments. The best bit was Goldberg destroying Bam Bam with a dozen right-hands while the ref was down. Then Bam Bam got his second wind and went nuts!

DDP once again causes problems, but it’s not enough as Bam Bam bites the bullet in the end. But at least he can rest easy looking down on us knowing that he’s a better wrestler than Brock Lesnar.

3.) Elix Skipper/Prime Time

Prime Time

It’s completely okay if you don’t know who Elix Skipper is, people at the time didn’t even know who Elix Skipper was. I watched WCW almost religiously and I can’t tell you thing one about Mr. Prime Time.

As expected from a jobber, Goldberg destroys Skipper, but you have to remember that he at least got a couple of shots in on the big man even from a sneak attack. That’s right, you guessed it, this makes him just a little bit better than Brock Lesnar

At least Skipper would go on to join TNA in the early days and do quite well for himself there.

2.) Steven Regal


This is an important match for a number of reasons. It was the first time that Goldberg had to really wrestle someone and Regal cut the rookie no slack. Goldberg has said that this was a shoot and that Regal was trying to put him in his place, while Regal says it was a work and that he didn’t do anything here he wouldn’t do in any other match.

Whatever the case may be, it was one hell of a match that actually made Goldberg look stronger because he was forced to wrestle. Watching it again I feel like siding with Goldberg on the shoot thing, but whatever the case may be, I think this is the best match early Goldberg ever had.

Regal is one of my favorites of all time, so knowing that he’s better than Brock Lobster makes me feel all warm inside.

1.) Hulk Hogan


The man whose moveset includes a leg drop, a… umm… that thing where he puts his hand to his ear, was the final test for the man known as Goldberg. Can you believe that this money making match was on an episode of Nitro? You can understand why WCW tanked so hard shortly after all of this.

That said, Hogan put up quite the fight with an almost 8-minute run of the two going back and forth. You have the young unstoppable rookie against the aging and much slower legend.  While Hogan may have the move depth of an NES wrestling game, he sure did far more than Brock Lesnar ever did at Survivor Series.

And that’s our list! Those are 10 wrestlers that lasted longer and did more work against Goldberg while in his prime. While a lot of these guys won’t ever make the WWE Hall of Fame, they can all rest easy knowing they are better wrestlers than Brock Lesnar.

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