10 Times Our Parents Spectacularly Failed With Technology

Our parents, we love them, but sometimes they aren’t the best when it comes to technology. Thankfully, parents today are better than ever with technology considering so many of them grew up with computers as a normal part of their lives, but a few years ago that wasn’t the case.

So, today we thought it would be a fun time to go back a few years and take a look at a number of instances on Reddit in which the older generation had a little trouble handling the technology that we all take for granted.

Here are the 10 times our parents spectacularly failed with technology:

.That Virus Sounds Fun

They downloaded a virus unlike anything I have ever seen: there was porn on the desktop, all the icons turned into dicks, a guy jumps out of the screen yelling, “WHERE’S YOUR DAUGHTER?!!”

. Retrace Your Steps

My mom can get on the internet for hours at a time, but when she’s done, she backs out of it – clicks to go back one page, over and over, until she’s back at her Yahoo mail start page. I’ve told her she doesn’t have to do that but she insists on it.

User playblu
. Insert Modem Sounds Here

My dad still uses AOL… with a modem

User zerocool
. Hot Guys Dot Net

When I introduced my grandad to email, he refused to get a hotmail account because it sounds like ‘hot male’

. Don’t Copy That Floppy

Back in 2003, my mom told me to get rid of all the games on the computer as punishment. She gave me 10 floppy disks and told me to put it on them and give it to her. She would give it back once my grades were up again. She just wouldnt accept that you can’t put 50 GB of data on 10 floppy disks.

User afcanonymous
. The Most Complicated Book Ever

My parents were on a road trip going from Texas to Canada listening to an audiobook on a CD. After about 14 hours, my mom got embarrassed and confessed to my dad that she had no idea what was going on in the book, since some characters had seemingly come back from the dead without explanation. My dad, also embarrassed, had been unwilling to admit he had no idea what was going on either. They arrived at the hotel and went to sleep. The next day, they discovered the CD player was on shuffle, and had been listening to the chapters out of order.

User hzsfre
. Your Game Gave Me A virus

So many parents are convinced that video games are riddled with viruses. My mom is into online poker so she used to download every free online poker software she saw and then get mad at me for infecting the computer with Rollercoaster Tycoon.

User SpacemanSpiff56
. The Mailman Doesn’t Deliver Your Email

probably a little late to this party but this happend to me yesterday: my mom wanted to send me an E-Mail of a document I was supposed to print out so I gave her my adress. After numerous failed attempts I spell her my adress letter for letter. She apparentely noticed the typo but didn’t care to correct it because she assumed the “guy” “delivering” the E-Mail would figure out my correct E-Mail address, just like a mail man would figure out your address if you slightly misspelled the street or the name on a letter.

User idk112345
. Post Date That Email

A friend of mine used to receive an email a couple of days before his birthday every year. Grandma could not grasp the concept that it didn’t need time in the post!

User ElCato12345
. Take Your LED And Stuff It

I’ve been waiting for a good opportunity to post this. So my parents tore down our old porch, built a new room in its place, bought new furniture, bought a 2500 LED TV, full surround system, Blu-Ray player you know, the works. 4 out of 5 nights I come home, and am greeted to them watching a movie on the 12 inch TV on our fridge.

User xaine

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