Fortnite Streamer Ninja Gets His Own Toy Line


A whole lot of kids are probably getting blenders by accident this Christmas.

In between a run with Drake and failing to get people to dance on New Years, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has been busy. And nothing proves that quite like the toy, plus, and collectible line bearing his likeness heading to stores this year.

Ninja has partnered up with Wicked Cool Toys, who you might (and I mean might, because I sure didn’t) know from their relaunch of Teddy Ruxpin. But, as a matter of fact, Ninja is not the only Twitch personality getting in on this. Wicked Cool Toys’ Lamo figurine line has a number of other Twitch personalities in it: DrDisRespect, TimTheTatman, Lirik, and Summit1G are all part of that line. And said line has some AR functionality to it, with each of the streamers recording a few lines that play with the corresponding app.

You’ve got millions and tens of millions of subscribers who will immediately be engaged with the experience before the product is even on the shelf. We weren’t taking a human being and creating an action figure. We were taking a brand with tremendous breadth and making it a line.

Wicked Cool Toys. co-president Jeremy Padawer

But there’s plenty of stuff that’s just Ninja related. Bobbleheads, clip-on plush dolls, 12″ plush dolls. Hell, they’ve got a headband-attached wig that’s blue just like the guy’s hair. Or you can just buy the $40 mystery box, which could contain anything, but seemingly contains one of pretty much everything, unwrapped in 5 stages.

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I really miss when The Simpsons was a good show. Fox

Regardless, the whole line goes on sale sometime this Fall.

Source and Image Source: Cnet

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